From Empty Nest to New Studio

This past January, my youngest stepson turned 18 and decided to move out, leaving us without kids at home. My youngest biological son comes to visit on school vacations (which technically means we’re not actually empty nesters but I’m still using this term).

Anyways, my stepsons’ room is an attachment to the house and has its own entry point. The room itself is a decent size and gets the best lighting in the whole house.

The first task to changing the empty room into a studio, was to conquer the teenage boy smell.
Bleach, Mr. Clean, Fabreeze, Magic Erasers, MopNGlo, Pledge, you name it I had to use it.
There are still marks on the wall that were so stubborn they remain after 4 months of trying to get them off.

The second stage took a lot less time to accomplish but took the most time planning. I had to figure out which wall I wanted the roller to hold my backdrops. I used a double curtain bracket and two standard electrical pipes (about 12ft), and draped the curtain backdrops over the bars, secured with clamps.

I didn’t quite think this one through because I have multiple backdrops and only two poles to hold them. In the future I will be looking into a system where I can rotate the backdrops almost like a rolodex (yes, I’m showing my age).

I’ve added some comfortable chairs, one being a vintage leather seat with arms and brass buttons. The family Christmas cacti and another small succulent have found the room perfect to blossom in. A small wall tucked behind the chairs displays a few past pieces I’ve created both digitally and with film. Along with another small artistic piece made by my young neighbor.

The closet holds all my props and extra equipment, tucked perfectly out of the way from shooting space. A unique and one-of-a-kind handmade coffee table holds a couple photography books I have displayed; 35mm and Advertising Photography.

In the corner to greet you is a small statue of a giraffe wearing a bow tie and tux, ready to instantly charm and amuse you. A few children’s books and toys rest on the first shelf across the room. The other shelf contains deeper reading material, such as the completed works of Keats, novels about Tigers in the Wild, and a few cooking books.

Creating this room to be my studio not only was beneficial for my growth of my business, but it has also created another space for me to find peace. I can enjoy a coffee and some light reading while the sun rises through the windows.

It may be an empty nest, but it’s a new room for capturing memories.


Greenhouse or Fun House?


First Post in a Few Months